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What is Leave?

The term left refers to absence or vacation from work. Technically, it is a term used to describe a period of time that one has to be away from the main job while maintaining the status of the employee. This term is in contrast to normal periods outside the workplace, such as vacations, vacations, and sabbaticals.

Leave the policy:

Each organization needs a leave policy that suits their needs and culture. There are also legal rules of government that must be taken into consideration. Employees must know the Vacation Policy. Chatbot & AI enabled HR Software in Pakistan has to make sure that they are available to them when they want to verify the availability of a leave.

Recommended tips to maintain leaves policies with Chatbot & AI enabled Leave Management Software in Pakistan

Leaves rules:

Once you have identified the types of leaves an employee can take, you must define several rules for each type of leave.

  • Amount of grant/ownership of leave to be granted, how often and when.
  • Current rules how often an employee can take advantage of a leave, limits, restrictions, etc.
  • Eligibility that is entitled to this type of leave. Approvals that can be approved and approval limits.
  • Year-end activities that carry sheets up to a maximum limit, time periods, etc.
  • Encasement
  • For sick leave, maternity leave, etc. additional documentation must be maintained. HR needs to make sure all documents are available.

Leaves without payment: leave without pay is a temporary state without payment and absence of duty that, in most cases, is granted at the request of the employee. For those days, the employee’s salary is not paid or is under Loss of payment.

Vacation concession: vacation requests, both paid and unpaid, must be granted or denied according to the company’s policy, including requirements related to eligibility for the leave and other company policies. Decisions to grant or deny a leave should be based on the same criteria for all and should be based on the same determinations as for the decisions to grant a leave for any other reason.

End of leaves period activity: most companies follow the calendar year or the financial year for leave accounting. Once the holiday year is completed, all transactions for that year will be completed. In accordance with company policy, the employee may request that their leaves be included. Chatbot & AI enabled Leave Management Software in Pakistan has to facilitate this. New transactions are not allowed later in the year. The account team will need the vacation balances for each employee each month.

Recommended tips to maintain leaves policies with Chatbot & AI enabled Leave Management Software in Pakistan

Leaves concept:

Shifts: Usually, the day is divided into a set of time periods during which different groups of employees perform their tasks.

List of shifts: the shifts list is a list of employees and associated information, p. location, work schedules, responsibilities for a given period of time, p. week, and month or sports season.

Muster Roll: all organizations, usually keep a record with a list of all employees. The office worker or the person in the official records the attendance status of each employee or the integrated system automatically updates it. It could be the Present full day, Present half day, Absent, Absent, Weekly and Holiday.


To regulate the attendance process and ensure that production and other operational activities run smoothly with Chatbot & AI enabled Attendance Software in Pakistan. Or we can say that the change schedules, the rest week, the definition of hours required to consider the presence of full-day / half-day employees, the time rules, etc., together are called Leaves Policy.

The following are the responsibilities of the HR manager with respect to leave:

  • Be the first point of contact when an employee calls by phone.
  • Maintain appropriately detailed, accurate and updated absences record for your staff.
  • Identify any pattern or trend of absences that cause concern.
  • Conduct interviews back to work.
  • Implement disciplinary procedures when necessary.

Regularization of leaves:

This is a process to regularize employee leave. This is generally used when an employee has a slip/blow mismatch or forgot to slip/hit during the day. In this process, the employee requests Regularization of Leave and the interested Manager needs to approve it. Once approved, the employee’s status for the day will be marked as Present during the leave processing workflow.

Here is the list of features which you can get by using PeopleQlik:

  • PeopleQlik Core
    • Core HR Software – HRMS
    • Cloud Payroll Management Software
    • Employee Self Services
    • HR Analytics Software
    • Corporate Wellness Platform
  • Workforce Administration
    • Leave Management Software
    • Time and Attendance Management Software
    • Shift & Scheduling
    • Claims & Reimbursements
    • Timesheet Management Software

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